Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ola Podrida - "The Closest We Will Ever Be"

Been slacking again lately my people...my sorryness (like my new word?) to you. In an effort to bring you more posts and hence, more great music, I am going to trim down my posts a bit. Will post the music and let it speak for itself for the most part.

With that being said, here is a song by lo-fi songwriter, Ola Podrida. The more I listen to him, the more I want to hear. His second LP, Belly of the Lion, came out on November 10th.

Artist: Ola Podrida
Label: Western Vinyl
Style:  Lo-Fi Songwriter
Fact:   Real Name is David Wingo and he is actually a film composer.

Song:  The Closest We Will Ever Be


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